My hair is Short, Thin, Weak....

Does this sound like you??
You no longer have to put up with short, thin or weak hair. We can help you with an 'Amazing Hair temporary hair halo'
- No up keep with extensions
- No regrowth to have to maintain
- No cost out lay every 8 weeks...
The exciting thing about hair halos is it can be used as frequently as you like or just on weekends for those special occasions. We will colour match your hair halo to you current look, we cut and style to suit exactly how you wear your hair. No one will even know you have it in. And it is super easy to place in your hair, we will teach you everything you need to know!
Just take a look at the before and after photos. The halo is made from beautiful real hair, it can be blow waved a curled just as you like.
Sound like something you'd be interested in?? Book in for a complimentary consultation. We have an example at the salon to show you.
Have a wonderful week,
Love The Sabúki Girls x